Finding the right heroine for VENU, the tallest hero in Tollywood, is indeed a herculean task. His debut film Swayamvaram was with a moderately tall LAYA and has struggled to find a suitable co-star ever since. Now, for his latest film Deepavali, he has the good fortune of working with MEGHA NAIR, the tall girl from Kerala. HARI BABU is the directing the movie. Megha Nair, a model from Ernakulam in Kerala, reveals, "Cameraman PRASAD is family friend. He said there is a hunt in Tollywood for tall girls and I immediately expressed my willingness to do a Telugu film. Fortunately, I was considered for the film," It is learnt that ANUSHKA was the first choice, but she declined the offer for lack of dates-Telugu Cinemass.
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