Tollywood music director M M Keeravani and top director S S Rajamouli released the music of Charmee starrer Mantra. The audio launch ceremony was held on Sunday evening at Prasad Labs preview theatre, Hyderabad. Vel Records, owned by Keeravani's wife Sri Valli, is marketing the albums.
Heroine Charmee could not make it to the launch. The film reloves around her character and it is a thriller directed by newcomer Osho Thulasi Ram. Music is by Anand. Director Rajamouli praised Charmee for her acting skills. "She has right oomph as well as acting skills required for a good actress. Now, I come to know that she is also good dancer. I am confident that Mantra will be an outstanding film to her career and it will be big success too," Rajamouli said.
Keeravani praised the young team for making such a good movie and said the music is very impressive-Telugu Cinemass.
Heroine Charmee could not make it to the launch. The film reloves around her character and it is a thriller directed by newcomer Osho Thulasi Ram. Music is by Anand. Director Rajamouli praised Charmee for her acting skills. "She has right oomph as well as acting skills required for a good actress. Now, I come to know that she is also good dancer. I am confident that Mantra will be an outstanding film to her career and it will be big success too," Rajamouli said.
Keeravani praised the young team for making such a good movie and said the music is very impressive-Telugu Cinemass.
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