Apr 4, 2010

IPL is unpredictable: Shilpa Shetty INTERVIEW

Shilpa Shetty tells that as long as people enjoy the game, stars don’t mind being pitted against each other.

Four wins in a row... What’s the feeling like?
IPL is an unpredictable game. The format is such that one doesn’t know what to expect next. Many thought that the first win was a fluke. Now, it makes me proud to receive the congratulatory messages.

Was it frustrating having to deal with the losses?
We are proud owners and not easily flummoxed by losses. But what became a cause of concern more than the losses was when the injuries of the players started setting in. Thankfully, Shane (Warne) juggled a few players and things started falling into place. Shane has a vision and we just followed his sensibilities. Our players might not be big names, but they are talented.

So, what do you think is working for your team — a strategy or your marriage to Raj Kundra?
My marriage has nothing to do with it. It’s the prayers and hard work of the players that’s yielding such results. I certainly can’t take credit for the hard work of the players. In fact, after the initial losses, many had lost faith in Team Jaipur. But with the team’s current performance, examples are being cited as to how a comeback can be made.

Andrew Symonds has started a fresh controversy with Yusuf Pathan accusing him of indulging in sledging. Why do you think Indians are made such soft targets?
Sledging has always been a part of cricket. I don’t think this incident was racist or out of the ordinary. But one certainly has to know where to draw the line. In fact, after seeing Yusuf’s fitting reply through his performance, I have told him that I am going to ask people to sledge you all the more (laughs).

While more on Yusuf, you had tweeted how Yusuf’s family had treated you guys to mutton biryani... We are one big family and come together whenever we have time. Talking about this incident, we had won the match and had another game the next day. Yusuf asked for biryani from his family and to our surprise, it was one big handi that was sent to us. I joked with Yusuf, ‘now I know the secret of your sixes’.

So, how did you guys celebrate the successive wins?
The team is kept under strict control with a disciplinarian like Shane. We hope the team continues to keep up this consistence in performance. What’s more, even Shane Watson will soon be joining us.

Are you expecting to make it to the finals?
Under the present circumstances, we are expecting to reach the semis.

How do you boost the team’s morale?
I tell them: ‘make yourself so valuable that people clamour to buy you during the next season ’.

With so many Bollywood celebs involved in IPL, does winning or losing become a prestige issue?
This has never been the case with me. Such things are great for the media to talk about. Whenever Team Jaipur is playing against any team, I want my team to win. Honestly speaking, as long as people enjoy the game, we don’t mind being pitted against each other (laughs).