Actor MS Narayana is directing Bhajanthreelu, starring Sivaji and Vikram, which is being produced by K Devi Sriprasad, under the banner of Devi Movie Makers Pvt Ltd. Sushmita and Shivani are making their debut as heroines in this film. Almost all the Tollywood comedians are acting in this film. Mumaith Khan has an item song.
Bhajanthreelu completed its schedule of shooting and the post production work is in progress. MV Raghu is the cinematographer. Chakri composed the music for this romantic family drama film, which is generously interspersed with humourous scenes. The audio is planned to be released within a week-Telugu Cinemass.
This is the second directorial venture for MS Narayana. His first effort Koduku with Vikram, his son as hero, was a flop show. Bhajanthreelu is the second attempt of this father son duo and is slated for release in the month of November.
Bhajanthreelu completed its schedule of shooting and the post production work is in progress. MV Raghu is the cinematographer. Chakri composed the music for this romantic family drama film, which is generously interspersed with humourous scenes. The audio is planned to be released within a week-Telugu Cinemass.
This is the second directorial venture for MS Narayana. His first effort Koduku with Vikram, his son as hero, was a flop show. Bhajanthreelu is the second attempt of this father son duo and is slated for release in the month of November.
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